So, we have been back from the warmer climes of Costa Rica for about 6 weeks now and yet I am still wondering. Part of this wondering came back to me after the first few shifts back at the depot. As I helped clientele with their recycling we chatted about a variety of things. No world problems were solved in these discussions but I got to know some more people on our Island and some of them were able to put a name to a face (the guy writing these articles). As one car left and the next took its place I felt that the exiting islander truly appreciated the assistance with his/her recycling materials.
There have been so many new faces at the depot this past year. I wonder how they all managed to show up on Mayne Island without me noticing. My wife and friends have always been astounded at how many people I know on the island. Me, I am amazed at how many I do not know. And now my wondering took me to the next level. What if some (many I would hope) of the newcomers volunteered at the depot for a 2 hour shift every other week. They would have the opportunity to learn where everything goes with their own recycling and then to pass on this knowledge to the other patrons of the depot. They would have the opportunity to meet more people on the Island and learn more about Island life. (Of course I am supposing that this might be something that everyone wants to do – my introverted friends have popped their heads out of their insular refuge to assure me not everyone wants this). If you do want to become a part of the Recycling Team, please get in touch with Kathy Kaiser of the M.I.R.S. board to get a spot. By the time you are reading this article the Conservancy and M.I.R.S. will have completed the beach cleanup. A great shout out to Lisa Siddons for organizing the clean up teams and the sorting at the depot. We all hope to have cleaner beaches after the beachcombing and hope that there might be even less material collected this year than last year – maybe a sign of a growing consciousness of keeping our environment cleaner. Another reminder: the Mayne Island Recycling Society AGM is to be held on June 13 at 5:00 pm at the Adachi Pavilion. This is a great opportunity for newcomers and old timers alike to come to the AGM and see if this is an organization that you might like to become a part of. The time commitment is not onerous and the concept of a cleaner island (province, country, planet) is never a bad idea. See many of you at the depot – hopefully with your sorted recyclables in their totes/boxes. Want to volunteer? Just ask Grant, Eric or Rick and they will point you in the right direction. - Richard Jarco |